The Approval Of Queen Elizabeth
In 1585, Queen Elizabeth approved Raleigh to send a hundred men from Egland to Roanoke Island, two of the explorers thought it would be the perfect place for a settlement. They killed several Natives including the cheif, but the settlers were to late to harvest crops and since their supplies were running low so they went back home a year later. -
John White Arrived At Roanoke Island
In 1587, July 22 John White and his settlers arrived at Roanoke Island. He went back to Egland the same year for more supplies,but unfortuantly was delayed 3 years because a war between Egland and Spain. -
The Lost Colony
In 1590, fortunatly after 3 years John White arrived back at Roanoke Island. There was NO settlers just the word "CROATOAN" carved on a tree, Croatoan was a nearby tribe, also there was NO sign of violence. -
The Mayflower
In 1620 the Mayflower was in a storm and only one baby on board Oceanus Hopkins, they landed in Cape Cod and traveled to Plymouth Harbor to establish their own colony. Since they had no government they decided to create a self-governor, Oceanus Hopkins parents signed the Mayflower Compact, which was a way to keep order, develop laws for the colony, and it showed loyalty to the King, and was the first written constitution. -
Who Founded New York And When Was It Founded
In 1626 The Duke Of York and other colonist founded New York. It was a colony first under Dutch then English. New York was a royal colony which means it was ruled by a king or queen, also it has a large variety of farms. -
Who Founded Rhode Island And When Was It Founded
In 1636 Roger Williams founded Rhode Island after being banished from Massachusetts because he spoke out against the right of civil authorities to punish religious dissension, which he believed that we could practice the religion we wanted. -
Who Founded New Jersey And When Was It Founded
In 1664 Sir George Carteret and Lord Berkeley founded New Jersey. The name of New Jersey was named after the English Island "Isle Of Jersey", after British took control over New Jersey from Dutch. -
Who Founded Pennsylvania And When Was It Founded
In 1681 Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn, the land was given to him by King Charles The Second because he owed Williams father a loan. William was originally going to name the land Sylvania but got Penn from his name, also Pennsylvania offered free and fair trial by jury freedom from unjust imprisonments, and free religion. -
Who Founded Georgia And When Was It Founded
In 1732 James Oglethorpe founded Georgia. James was an English man who wanted Georgia to take in people in need of help like worthy poor to become merchants and farmers. -
Who Founded Delaware And When Was It Founded
In 1738 European colonist from Netherlands founded Delaware. Pennsylvania included Delaware until 1703, Dutch also settled in Delaware for fertile soil, something Netherlands didn't have, and land.