The warren court tiny


  • Roth v. United States, 1957

    Roth v. United States, 1957
    operated a book-selling business in New York and was convicted of mailing obscene circulars and an obscene book in violation of a federal obscenity statute. the Court held that obscenity was not "within the area of constitutionally protected speech or press"
  • Mapp v. Ohio, 1961

    Mapp v. Ohio, 1961
    Dolree Mapp was convicted of possessing obscene materials after an admittedly illegal police search of her home for a fugitive. She appealed her conviction on the basis of freedom of expression. The Court brushed aside the First Amendment issue and declared that "all evidence obtained by searches and seizures in violation of the Constitution is, by [the Fourth Amendment], inadmissible in a state court."
  • Baker v. Carr, 1962

    Baker v. Carr, 1962
    Charles Baker (P) was a resident of Shelby County, Tennessee. Baker filed suit against Joe Carr, the Secretary of State of Tennessee. Baker’s complaint alleged that the Tennessee legislature had not redrawn its legislative districts since 1901, in violation of the Tennessee State Constitution. Baker, who lived in an urban part of the state, asserted that the demographics of the state had changed shifting more to the city. Thereby diluting his vote.
  • Engel v. Vitale, 1965

    Engel v. Vitale, 1965
    The Board of Regents for the State of New York authorized a short, voluntary prayer for recitation at the start of each school day. This was an attempt to defuse the politically potent issue by taking it out of the hands of local communities. Neither the prayer's nondenominational character nor its voluntary character saves it from unconstitutionality. By providing the prayer, New York officially approved religion.
  • Gideon v. Wainwright, 1963

    Gideon v. Wainwright, 1963
    Gideon was charged in a Florida state court with a felony for breaking and entering. He lacked funds and was unable to hire a lawyer to prepare his defense. When he requested the court to appoint an attorney for him, the court refused, stating that it was only obligated to appoint counsel to indigent defendants in capital cases. Gideon defended himself in the trial; he was convicted by a jury and the court sentenced him to five years in a state prison. the Court held that Gideon had a right.
  • Reynolds v. Sims, 1964

    Reynolds v. Sims, 1964
    In 1961, M.O. Sims, David J. Vann (Vann v. Baggett), John McConnell (McConnell v. Baggett), and other voters from Jefferson County, Alabama, challenged the apportionment of the state legislature. The Alabama Constitution prescribed that each county was entitled to at least one representative and that there were to be as many senatorial districts as there were senators. The Court upheld the challenge to the Alabama system
  • Escobedo v. Illinois, 1964

    Escobedo v. Illinois, 1964
    Danny Escobedo was arrested and taken to a police station for questioning. Over several hours, the police refused his repeated requests to see his lawyer. Escobedo's lawyer sought unsuccessfully to consult with his client. Escobedo subsequently confessed to murder. Yes. Justice Goldberg, in his majority opinion, spoke for the first time of "an absolute right to remain silent." Escobedo had not been informed of his consitutitonal right to remain silent rather than to be forced to confess.
  • Griswold v. Connecticut, 1965

    Griswold v. Connecticut, 1965
    Griswold was the Executive Director of the Planned Parenthood League of Connecticut. Both she and the Medical Director for the League gave information, instruction, and other medical advice to married couples concerning birth control. Griswold and her colleague were convicted under a Connecticut law which criminalized the provision of counselling, and other medical treatment, to married persons for purposes of preventing conception. The Connecticut statute conflicts with rights.
  • Miranda v. Arizona, 1966

    Miranda v. Arizona, 1966
    The Court was called upon to consider the constitutionality of a number of instances, ruled on jointly, in which defendants were questioned "while in custody or otherwise deprived of [their] freedom in any significant way." In Vignera v. New York, the petitioner was questioned by police, made oral admissions, and signed an inculpatory statement all without being notified of his right to counsel.