New Republic Timeline

  • Washington's Inauguration

    George Washinton, our first president has been elected, he recieved all votes
  • Federal Judiciary Act

    Helped create a court system by giving the Supreme Court six members. There will be one Cheif Justice and five associate justices
  • Hamilton's Plan

    The United States wasn't doing well financailly. There were three parts, the government should pay public debt well as state debt, taxes and tariffs should be raised, and we should create a national bank. The federalsts favored it because of the centraled government, but the anti-federalits opposed it. There was a little rebellion but Washington sent troops too take care of the rebels. It proved that the government would enforce the law.
  • Foreign Affairs with French and British

    Washington decided to stay neutral because he didn't want to loose foregn friends.
  • Washingtons Farewell Address

    Washinton warned us about strong political party systems, foreign alliances and over-powerful military systems.
  • Election of 1796

    First time parties ran against each other (Federalist vs. Anti-Federalist). Adams won president, and Jefferson won vice president.
  • XYZ Affair

    The French were attacking American ships so we wouldn't trade with Britain.French agents demanded 10 million dollars to stop the attacking of ships but we refused. The U.S. was created in result.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    During the French Revolution, French and British people came to the U.S., Federalists passed laws to silence the French. The laws stated that it was a crime to publish critizim about the government and much more.
  • Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

    States can now nullify a law if they beleive that its is unconstitutional, states disagreed.
  • Election of 1800

    Final election before the 16th amendment changed the election process
  • Domestic Policy

    Jefferson undid the Alien and Sedition Acts, cut taxes, and cut military.
  • Marbury vs. Madison

    The Marbury versus Madison was Unconstitutional so Madison won, because there was no law that said what had happened was wrong.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    We went to France wanting New Orleans becauseof the major port there. France made us a counter offer, and they said we could have all of the Louisiana Territory. We excepted and sent Lewis and Clark to scout out the land, they came back with journals full of information and maps.
  • Foreign Policy-Impressment

    The British and French were taking our ships and sailors, when we already did not have many men because of the cuts Jefferson had made. They set up partial blockades and would not stop the impressment.
  • Foreign Policy- Embargo Act of 1807

    The Embargo Act was passed in 1807 that stated American ships could no longer sail to foriegn ports and it closed American Ports to British Ships. The reason for the Embargo Act was that Jefferson didn't want a war, so instead he asked Congress to pass the Act. The effects of the Act were that it actually hurt us more than Britain because Farmers lost markets for thier goods and shippers lost business.
  • War of 1812

    Some causes of the War of 1812 were that we, the United States, wanted Spanish Florida, we wanted the Impressment to stop, and we wanted the Native American encouragement to stop.There were no huge effects of the war, we didn't win or lose but the Natives gave up and left us alone, all borders were restored to the original boundary, and it gave us the hope and strength knowing we could get make it as a world power.
  • Hartford Convention

    The Hartford Convention was held in late 1814 by New England Federalists. They considered secession because of the war and its effects on them. For awhile after the Convention, it looked disloyal and Federalists never lost that stigma until later.