A history of the Melbourne Queer Film Festival

  • The Melbourne International Lesbian & Gay Film & Video Festival's first screening

    The festival opens with American film 'Longtime Companion', screened at the Village Brighton cinemas.
  • Location of screenings changed to the boundaries of the CBD

    The location of screenings changed from Brighton to inside the City of Melbourne; at the State Film Theatre at Treasury Place and also the Capitol Theatre in Swanston Street.
  • Festival name changed to the Melbourne Queer Film and Video Festival

    Originally called the Melbourne International Lesbian & Gay Film & Video Festival, the eventbecame the Melbourne Queer Film & Video Festival.
  • Lisa Daniel begins to run The Melbourne International Lesbian & Gay Film & Video Festival

    Current MQFF Festival Director Lisa Daniel begins her role as Festival Manager.
  • Name officially changed to The Melbourne Queer Film Festival

    The festival changed its title again, settling on the name that it runs as to this day - The Melbourne Queer Film Festival.
  • Screenings at ACMI

    The MQFF began screening its films at ACMI cinemas at Federation Sqaure. This location became its main screening point and continues to be tunil this day.
  • MQFF's 21st festival begins

    Melbourne Queer Film Festival is the oldest queer film festival in Australia, and one of the oldest queer film festivals in the world. It is the largest queer film festival in the Southern Hemisphere, as well as being the second largest film festival in Victoria. Over the past 21 years it is estimated that over 220,000 people have attended the Festival and other MQFF events.