Rika in sketch

My timeline

  • I am born!

    I am born!
    I am born on 19th of March 2000. I was so small.
    It is also my first birthday. I am born on midnight!
  • It's my first Christmas!

    It's my first Christmas!
    It is my first Christmas ever!
  • My second birthday

    My second birthday
    On 19th of March 2001, it was my second birthday. I was 1 years old!
  • My first day in kindergraten!

    My first day in kindergraten!
    I am 3 years old and this is my first day of kindergraten!
  • The first day in primary school

    The first day in primary school
  • I am in Rose Street!

    I am in year 4! I have moved to Rose Street!
  • Born 9 years

    Born 9 years
    I am nine years old. I would soon be 10.
  • 10 years old

    10 years old
    I am 10 years old.
  • School Fair!

    School Fair!
    It is the school fair! It is also Felicity's birthday!
  • I am 11!

    I am 11!
    I am 11 years old! I will get my ID card soon!
  • Earth Day

    Earth Day
    It is earth day in my school and we all dress in green and blue.