World war 2

World War II

By bmdean
  • Period: to


  • Hitler and the Nazi's take control of Poland

    Hitler and the Nazi's take control of Poland
    Hitler's troops and tanks (blitzkrieg) rushed into Poland. Two days later, Britain and France, known as the Allied Powwrs, declared war on Germany.
  • Lend-lease Act

    Lend-lease Act
    President Roosevelt says "We must be the great arsenal (arms supplier) of democracy" as a result Congress passes the Lend-Lease Act, allowing the President to aid any nation believed to be vital to US defense.
    • Connection: This program was another attempt by Roosevelt to help improve the economy during the Great Depression
  • Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor

    Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor
    Japanese forces bombarded the American naval fleet for several hours in the attack on Pearl Harbor. Eighteen ships were hit, and more than 2,400 Americans were killed.
  • President FDR Declares war on Japan

    President FDR Declares war on Japan
    FDR infamy speech
    FDR speaking to Congress called December 7, 1941 "a date that will live in infamy." Congress then declared war on Japan and Germany declared war on the United States. Less than 25 years after entering WWI the US joins the Allied forces in another World War.
  • Allies wn Battle of El Alamein

  • Axis forces surrender in North Africa

  • Allies capture Rome, Italy

  • Allied forces invade France on D-Day

    Allied forces invade France on D-Day
    American, British and Canadian troops invaded France on June 6, 1944 - Known as D-Day or "designated day." By the end of D-Day all 5 beaches were taken by Allied forces. With the beaches secured the Allies then began driving through French villages toward Germany.
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
    On April 30, 1945, Allied forces surround Berlin, Germany and forcing hitler into an underground bunker. While in the bunker Hitler not accepting defeat commits suicide forcing Germany to surrender unconditionally.
  • ALLIED VICTORY in Europe - V-E Day

    ALLIED VICTORY in Europe - V-E Day
    On May 8, 1945 Germany unconditionally surrenders. Unconditional surrender meant that Germany would have no voice in post war peace decisions. The Allies finally gain victory in Europe.