Cool Planet Discoveries

By brooki
  • 300


    Mercury is officialy the planet closest to the Sun. It is also one of the smallest real planets of the Solar System. By real planet I mean not dwarf planet of big asteroid but planet. In the dates, it was actually discovered in 300 B.C, but it wouldn't let me put B.C. there. There also isn't an exact date, so I put a random one in.
  • Io

    Io is the "exotic" place in the Solar System. By exotic, I mean lots of different colours, with lava freely flooding the surface. It is one of the most volcanic places known to man kind in the Solar System. Again, I couldn't find an exact date that Io was discovered, so I put a random date in.
  • Europa

    Europa is another one of Jupiter's moons. It was a very important discovery because there is ice and water on it. Scientists even remain hopeful that there are life forms on Europa. I have no exact dates for all of Jupiter's moons. Sorry, but it was 1610, i really don't think an exact date is even out there.
  • Ganymede

    Ganymede is the largest of Jupiters moons. It has a diameter of about 5 262 kilometers. It has a rocky core with a water/ice mantle. It has a crust of rock and ice.
  • Calisto

    Calisto is about the same size as the planet Mercury. The crust of this interesting moon is one of the oldest specimens in the Solar System. The crust is 4 billion years old. It is comprised of mostly ice.
  • Ceres

    Ceres the dwarf planet has a very interesting story. It was discovered by Giuseppe piazzi sometime in 1801. He spotted it, identified this random source of matter as a dwarf planet. He followed this dwarf planet's progress for quite a period of time, but then one day when he was trying to track the planet, it wasn't there! After a long search for this planet, scientists reported it impossible to ever find again. So was it just an illusion? How could it be? (More info on next one on Ceres)
  • Ceres

    Sure enough, after a long, long search for this lost planet, they found it.
  • Eris

    Eris is the largest dwarf planet discovered. It is even larger than pluto! The planet Eris is named after the godess, Eris, of discord and strife. It's a very icy planet. It was discovered by Mike Brown, Chad Trujillo and David Rabinowitz.
  • Gliese 581 d

    Gliese 581 d
    Gliese 581 d (nice name), is a very interesting planet. It is the first planet outside the Solar System discovered that is likely to have some form of alien life on it. It has an atmosphere like Earth's. It also has plenty of water. It is about 8 times the mass of Earth. There's a red dwarf star, (just like our Sun) located just the perfect distance away from it, so it gets plenty of heat and light, but not too much.