Battles (Social Studies, March 22, 2011)

  • Seige of Boston

    Patriots Victory
    New England militia invest Boston
  • Battle of Fort Ticonderoga

    British Victory
    Green Mountain Boys (Ethan Allen) capture British fort
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    British Victory
    British general William Howe overruns Colonel Prescott's positions on Breed's Hill and Bunker Hill near Boston
  • Battle of Montreal

    Patriots Victory
    On this day in 1775, Continental Army Brigadier General Richard Montgomery takes Montreal, Canada, without opposition.
  • Battle of Quebec

    British Victory
    General Montgomery and Colonel Arnold (from America) attack British, but the British fight back and win
  • Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge

    Patriots Victory
    North Carolina militia (Colonels Caswell and Lillington) defeat loyalists (General McDonald) in the battle known as the "Lexington and Concord of the South"
  • Battle of Long Island

    British Victory
    The continental army (General Putnam) is defeated by British (General Howe) on Long Island, New York
  • Battle of Valcour Bay

    British Victory
    A British flotilla (General Carleton) destroys American squadron (General Arnold) on Lake Champlain
  • Battle of White Plains

    British Victory
    British (General Howe) defeat the retreating Americans (General Washington) north of New York City
  • Battle of Trenton

    Patriots Victory
    Continental Army (General Washington) captures Hessian garrison (Colonel Rall) in New Jersey
  • Battle of Princeton

    Patriots Victory
    British support troops (Colonel Mawhood) are defeated by Americans (General Washington) near Trenton, New Jersey
  • Battle of Oriskany

    Patriots Victory
    American militia (General Herkimer) are ambushed by loyalists and Indians (Chief Joseph Brant) in upstate New York
  • Battle of Brandywine

    British Victory
    British (General Howe) defeat Continental Army (General Washington) near Philidelphia
  • Battle of Germantown

    British Victory
    Attacking Continental Army (General Washington) respulsed by British (General Howe) north of Philidelphia
  • Battle of Newtown

    Patriots Victory
    On this day, Continental forces led by Major General John Sullivan and Brigadier General James Clinton defeat a combined force of Loyalists and Indians commanded by Captain Walter Butler and Chief Joseph Brant
  • Battle of Savannah

    British Victory
    The British easily captured Savannah from the Americans, setting the stage for the second bloodiest battle of the Revolution.
  • Battle of Camden

    British Victory
    American militia and Continentals (Generals Gates and Kalb) defeated by British (General (Cornwallis) in South Carolina
  • Battle of King's Mountain

    Patriot's Victory
    American frontiersmen (Colonels Campbell and Shelby) defeat loyalists (Major Ferguson) in South Carolina
  • Battle of Cowpen's

    Patriots Victory
    British (Colonel Tarleton) forces soundly defeated Americans (General Morgan) in South Carolina
  • Siege of Yorktown

    Patriots Victory
    British garrison (General Cornwallis) surrenders to American and French forces (Generals Washington and Rochambeau, and Lafayette)