World War II

  • Nazi Invasion of Poland

    Also known as the September Campaign or 1939 Defensive War. Germany, the Soviet Union, invaded Poland in September, which marked the start of World War II.
  • Britain and France declare war on Germany

    At 1115 BST the Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, announced the British due date for the withdrawal of German troops from Poland was no longer. He said the British ambassador in Berlin had gave a final warning to the German government this morning saying, "unless it announced plans to withdraw from Poland by 1100, a state of war would exist between the two countries." And so it was.
  • House of Commons vote

    House of Commons vote for war credits of £1,600,000,000.
  • Singapore forced to surrender

    British forces in Singapore had surrendered unwillingly to Japan seven days after enemy troops first barged the island.
  • Germans surrender at Stalingrad

    The Soviet Government announced the final defeat of the German 6th Army at the port of Stalingrad, in southern Russia.
  • Western Allies invade Sicily

    The United States put up a good fight for the Sicily land but U.S. won.
  • Allies united after Tehran Conference

    Allied leaders of Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union have ended a landmarking conference held in the capital of Iran, Tehran.
  • First atomic bomb exploded

    At 5.30 am, the first atomic bomb is exploded at a test site in Los Alamos, USA. Its code name was Trinity. It was a test of an implosion-design plutonium device, that would soon make history in war fighting.
  • First Atomic Bomb

    The United States dropped two atomic bombings against the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, the first on August 6, 1945 and the second on August 9, 1945. These events are the only nuclear bombings in war history.