

  • Nazi Invasion of poland

    Nazi Invasion of poland
    Germany invades Poland and annexes Danzig; Britain and France give Hitler ultimatum
  • Period: to

    World War II

  • Germany invades 3 more countries

    Germany invades 3 more countries
    Germany invades France, Holland, Belgium, Luxemburg. Winston Churchill becomes Britain's prime minister.
  • End of the evacuation of dunkirk

    End of the evacuation of dunkirk
    The evacuation at Dunkirk ends. 338,000 troops were rescued. Churchill declares that Britain will never surrender.
  • Change of plan

    Change of plan
    Hitler changes the Luftwaffe's objective from destroying the Royal Air Force to bombing London. This allows the R.A.F to recover and win the battle of Britain.
  • Germany invades russia

    Germany invades russia
    Germany invades Russia. Hitler orders "maximum cruelty" against civilians, which results in fanatic Russian resistance.
  • Hitlers eagerness

    Hitlers eagerness
    Hitler, eager to occupy the rich Ukraine first, orders to stop army group Center's advance to Moscow and to transfer its two tank armies to army groups "North" and "South". This is perhaps Hitler's greatest mistake. The German Generals argue in vain against it.
  • Moscow before winter

    Moscow before winter
    Hitler orders to resume the advance to Moscow, in order to take it "in the limited time before winter". Army group "Center", is given back its two tank armies, plus a third tank army and additional air units.
  • Japan losing naval superiority

    Japan losing naval superiority
    The battle of Midway. Four Japanese carriers are sunk, and one American carrier. Japan's naval superiority is lost.
  • Suicide

    The Marines land in Leyte, in the Philippines. In response, the Japanese Navy begins to use Kamikaze suicide pilots.
  • The first atomic bomb dropped on japan

    The first atomic bomb dropped on japan
    A-bomb dropped on Hiroshima by U.S.