Life of Oedipus

  • Nov 29, 1025

    City of Thebes: Alive and Well

    City of Thebes: Alive and Well
  • May 20, 1050

    The House of Cadmus

    The House of Cadmus
  • Apr 1, 1099

    Pentheus Angers the god Dionysus

    Pentheus Angers the god Dionysus
  • Jun 6, 1200

    Labdacus takes the throne; angers the Maenads and Dionysus

    Labdacus takes the throne; angers the Maenads and Dionysus
  • Feb 23, 1285

    Laius takes the throne and marries Jocasta

    Laius takes the throne and marries Jocasta
  • Jan 3, 1295

    Laius and Jocasta hear the prophecy

    Laius and Jocasta hear the prophecy
  • Sep 17, 1295

    Oedipus is Born and Abandoned on Mt. Cithaeron

    Oedipus is Born and Abandoned on Mt. Cithaeron
  • Cadmus Founder of Thebes

    Cadmus Founder of Thebes