geoffrey chaucer . <----

  • Jan 1, 1343

    chaucer born <---

    the day chaucer was born in london.x
  • Feb 1, 1343

    upbringing of chaucers life .x

    Chaucer's father was quite well off he was a wine mechent .x
  • Jan 1, 1348

    the plague ,.x

    the plague ,.x
    At the age of 5 the plague struck England but Chaucer survivedthe plague so thats a fact ! xxxx
  • Jan 1, 1357


    At the age of 14 Chaucer became a serveant for the Countess of Ulster as a job i thinkk >X
  • Mar 9, 1360

    chaucerr was captured :(

    Chaucer is captured by the French at the siege of Reims. he was for 16 pounds :(
  • Jan 1, 1365

    chaucer marries phillipa.x

    Chaucer marries Phillipa in 1365 on the 1st of januaryy !! "
  • Jan 1, 1367

    chaucers 1st son !

    Birth of Chaucer's first son Thomas
  • Jan 1, 1380

    lewis s born ! :)

    lewis is bornn :)
  • Jan 1, 1387

    he wrote the tales (canerbury)

    he wrote the tales <--
  • Mar 9, 1400

    oh he has died !n :'(

    He was buried in Westminister abbey. at the age of 57 :'(
  • plague finished ! "

    plague finished ! "
    the plague is over !