First Realization of Pregnancy
First Ultrasound
First Amniocentesis
Doctors believed I was a down syndrome baby, requested another amniocentesis. -
Second Amniocentesis
Its a girl! Also no down syndrome discorved after the second amniocentesis. -
I was born on Thanksgiving day at 11:30pm. I was born at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, MI, 8lbs 7oz. -
Smile! :)
My first smile. -
Coos and began to laugh
Held head up
slept through the night
sat up right
crawled for the first time
first word: Mama
1st birthday
first step
potty trained myself
attened preschool
started kindergarten
learned to read
first crush
started middle school
step-father died
started high school
first boyfriend
started to drive
first heart break
first speeding ticket
first car accident
started to date current boyfriend
Gradurated from high school
started college at Grand Valley State University
second car accident
first date
first kiss
Complete first full marathron
Gradurate from College with BSN
Become a Nurse in Alaska
had a little boy
had second boy
had a little girl
Frist child gets married
50 year anniversary
Died of old age