
By TA38
  • I was born in Dallas, Texas!!

  • Moved to Little Rock, Arkansas.

  • Moved back to Dallas, Texas.

  • My brother was born.

  • 5/1/2001First day of soccer.

  • 8/15/2001First day of kindergarten.

  • Terrorist Attack ((911))

  • First family reunion.

  • A teacher dropped a stapler on my lip so I went to the hospital to get stitches.

  • I quit soccer.

  • Saw my cousin Chloe for the first time.

  • Went golfing with my dad for the first time.

  • Got my first dog for my 9th birthday.

  • My first dog ran away.

  • Baptized:]]

  • Got my first pet rat.

  • First Cruise.

  • Found out I was related to Sam Houston.

  • My great grandma died.

  • My rat died.

  • Diagnosed with a disease.

  • Said a poem at 6th grade graduation.

  • First day of 7th grade!!

  • First time at the Great Wolf Lodge.

  • Second family reunion.

  • Second time at the Great Wolf Lodge.

  • First MRI.

  • Biopsy for disesae.

  • Found that my disease is Chronic Multifocal Osteo Myelitis.

  • Finally a teenager!! ((13yrs.))

    Finally a teenager!! ((13yrs.))
  • Third time at the Great Wolf Lodge.

  • Left for Mission Trip to Bridge City, TX.

  • Spring Break 2009: Changes peoples lives:))

    What I did on this wonderful trip was helped peoples lives. I help by cleaning up all the damage that had been done from hurricane Ike. It was an awesome experience and I will never forget the poples lives we have changed and the hearts that have been touched by the work my churches youth group did. It takes alot to sacrafice a full spring break to work work work, but it was worth it. There were very emotional struggles for some people and we helped them through it. It was TRULY AMAZING!
  • First day working in Bridge City.

  • Trip to NASA and The Gulf Of Mexico, both for the 2nd time.