
  • Period: to

    Time Span of Telephone

  • The electromagnetic telegraph

    Carl F.Gauss and Ernst H. Weber build the electromagnetic telegraph. The telegraph was the first step to making electrical signals travel from one device to another. This is the beginning of the telephone revolution which soon gets better and better.
  • Radiation involved

    James C. Maxwell predicts electromagnetic radiation. This is now a huge discussion topic of now, can this be harmful to your body or not.
  • Harmonic Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell discovered that you could hear sounds through a wire. This shows that through wires, you can hear sounds better. By doing so, this can help achieve of how things would get connected from one end to another end.
  • Talk with Electricity

    Alexander Graham Bell asked his his assistant Thomas A. Wadson to come to him by speaking through an instrument. The phone call was from New York to San Fransico. This was then birth of the telephone but the end of the mulitple telegraphs. This shows that you can communicate at a longer distance.
  • Battery operated

    The common battery system, developed by Hammond V. Hayes, permitted a central battery to supply all telephones on an exchange. This helps that the phone does not have to be connect to a power source but instead run on battery then being charged later on.
  • Beginning of cell phone technology

    Oliver Lodge demonstrates wireless communication over a distance of 150 yards. This is the beginnings of cell phone technology. This starts off with a slow develpment of cell phones
  • Police Experimenting with Mobile

    The Police Department starts experimenting with the one way vehical mobile service. This helps with communication with other people while in the car.
  • Three or more way calling

    Automatic switching of large numbers of calls was made possible using “phantom circuits,” which allowed three telephone conversations to be conducted on two pairs of wires. More people could use the same circuit so telephone companies did not have to build more switching stations. This helps that more people can listen to the conversation compare to two on two conversation.
  • Beginning of the Mobile Phone.

    Alton Dickieson, H.I. Romnes and D. Mitchell plans the first AT&T mobile phone system. This is the development of the different types of cell phone.
  • Radio communication

    First commercial mobile telephone service put into service in 1946, linking moving vehicles to the telephone network by radio. This is now a pretty huge impact because then this can announce what is happening throughout different areas.
  • Area Codes

    In North America, the numbering plan as known as "area code" was developed because this helps with the combinations of digits dialed as well as knowing where the phone called as placed from
  • First phone to combine a ringer and handset

    AT&T introduces the Model 500 telephone, the first that combines a ringer and handset. The classic black rotary phone, featuring an adjustable volume control for the bell and later a variety of colors, becomes a cultural icon. This changes the different styles of the phones now. Which distincts from one from to another as well as makes phones unique.
  • Minute by Minute

    Time-division multiplexing is applied to telephony. People were now charged by the minute for their telephone calls. This helps tell how long you have been calling for and how companies can get money of how long you talk
  • DDD

    The trial of customer-dialed DDD (Direct Distance Dialing) begins at Englewood, New Jersey. This is the develpment of the long distance dialing. By doing so, this can help communicate to those who are far from you.
  • Faster connections

    The electronic telephone switching system is placed into service. Calls are switched faster than before. This helps that now communication would be faster so you would have a better communication
  • Cordless Phone

    A lady Teri Pall invented the first cordless. The cordless phone had a low speed frequency of 47-49 MHz and worked well in small areas. The cordless phones help that you can walk around to different areas around you and you still have contact with who your talking to than being attached by a wire.
  • First 911 call is made

    In Haleyville, Alabama, the first 911 call is made. This helps that now if there is an emergency you dial 911 and an emergency responder will help you.
  • Caller ID invented

    In 1968, Theodore George was experimenting in Athens, Greece as a communications engineer for SITA. He began developing a system to automatically identify a telephone caller to a call recipient. This is a huge impact today by that now you can identify who is calling you and sometimes where it is from.
  • Texting introduced

    Neil Papworth, an engineer for Sema Group sent his friend and text saying "Merry Christmas". From this now texting is a new way of communicating to people without talking, instead with words typed down.
  • The iPhone started shipping

    The first iPhone had been shipped out where people can listen to their music as well as this being a phone as well. Another benefit from this is that it can go online.