
Cold War in Asia

  • Seperation

    The Soviet Union invaded Korea at the 38th Paraellel and the invasion lasted about 3 years until the international intervention pushed it back.
  • First group of Marines.

    First group of Marines.
    The first group of Marines had arrived in Korea, that had been training together since they began. They were able to stop the Koreans and also gain our advantage back.
  • Battle of Inchon

    Battle of Inchon
    Turning point for war when U.S. gains advantage.
  • North Korea retreats

    North Korea retreats
    America's 8th army crossed into Northern territory. They fought for a single week and managed to have them retreated farther north.
  • MacArthur removed from Office

    MacArthur removed from Office
    MacArthur is removed from office by Harry Truman for bad mouthing Truman. It was proven in a document revealed by a republican representative on April 5th.
  • Peace Talks

    Peace Talks
    Peace talks were now starting to accumulate between the UN and the Communists.
  • First group of South Korean troops move out

    First group of South Korean troops move out
    First group of South Korean troops move to push to the north and run into the Chinese Force. The Chinese demolish most of them. More and more groups of koreans try to move up and run into more and more chinese with mostly the same results.
  • Inaugeration of Eisenhower

    Inaugeration of Eisenhower
    Dwight Eisenhower takes his oath on two bibles; the bible George Washington used and his own personal bible as well.
  • Armistice

    Armisitice is signed to obtain peace for all of Korea.