

By fichas
  • Declaration of the rights of man

    They believed that liberalism was a False liberty and they thought that the famous Declaration of the rights of man of 1789 was focused too much on the indibidual
  • Declaration of the Rights of women

    Marie-Olympe de Gouges, wrote the `Declaration of the Rights of women
  • Vindication of the Rights of woman

    In Great Briain Mary Wollenscraft, published in 1792 A Vindication of the Rights of woman
  • Ludism began in england

    Due to the poor conditions at work and the poor quality os life for these workers, they began to organise in order to seek improvements.
  • Period: to


  • Anarchism

    The Anarchists differed from the comunists in that they rejected all types of authority the state, the church, and political parties.
  • The first origineted movement

    The first origineted movement was in 1824 when the English Parliament approved the cration of the trade unions.
  • Robert owen

    The world 'socialism' is first used by robert owen, a british philantrhopist.
  • Chartism creation

    This movement was based on a workers`charter, wich had been sent by a committee of workers to parliamnt various petition like universal sufrege, secret vote...
  • Socialism

    socilism have 3 main principles:
    Soidarity, Egalitarism and No classes.
  • 10 hours work

    In england they acordet 10 hours working day.
  • the comunist manifiesto

    Publication of the comunist manifiesto by Karl Max and F. Engles.
  • First general strike in spain

    First general strike in spain, in Cataloina, asking for inprovements in their working conditions.
  • The passing of the trade unions

    saw the passing of the trade unions wich meant that unions could oficially have their own founds.
  • Creation of PSOE

    In Madrid, Pablo Iglesias founder of the PSOE("Oartido Socialista Obrero Español")
  • creation of FTRE

    The Anarchist workers`movement creates the FTRE ("Federacion de Los Trabajadores de La Region Española")
  • Mano Negra

    Seven mano negra Anarchists executed by the goverment.
  • General strike and people killed by police

    Unions hold general strike for an eight-hour day on May 1rst.
    Four demostrators Killed by police in chicago on My 3rd.
  • universal suffrage in Spain

    All men are given the vote (Universal Suffrage)
  • Strike on the basque country

    First general Strike in the Basque country.
  • Bomb in Brcelona

    The Anarchist detonate a bomb in the Liceo de Barcelona, and murder General Mrtinez Campos.
  • Brcelona "Semana Tragica"

    "Semana tragica" in Barcelona becouse of the compulsory military call-up for the war in Morocco. Roits and violent strikes suppressed by the army. Leaders executed.
  • Eight hours of work

    The eight-hour day work was officially recognised.
  • Comunism

    Comunism is a step further than Socialism.
    Soidariti-Egalitarism-No Class but also... Proletarian´s Dictatorship.
  • Russian revoution

    1919 happened the Russian Revolution based on the comunist theory practice.