
  • KEY

  • Dien Bien Phu

    French Command post, battle lasted 55 days, 3,000 French troops killed, Vietminh 8,000 dead,12,000 wounded.Importance to the war: French ceased fire, Vietnamese victory shattered France's resolove to carry on the war.
  • Creation of the Ho Chi Minh Trail

    From North to South Vietnam
    A supply route built by North Viet
    Off shoots into Vietnam
  • United States becomes actively involved

    L: South Vietnam
    I f: United States backed South Bietnames with new equipment and more than 3,000 military advisors/ support personel
    I w: We have now "entered" the war
  • United States becomes actively involved

    L: South Vietnam
    I F: U.S. provides new equipment and more than 3,000 military advisors and support personal.
    I W: U.S. gets involved in the war
  • Operation Rangeland

    L: Guerrilla trails and along highways
    i F: Goal is to clear vegetation along highways to make it difficult for the Vietcong to conceal themselves for ambushes
    I w: The Guerrilla trails and bases are exposed and crops are destroyed.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Attack

    L: North Vietnamese islands in the Gulf of Tonkin.
    I F: South Vietnamese commandos attack two small North Vietnamese islands in the Gulf of Tonkin.
    I W: American jets bomb two naval bases, and destroy a major oil facility. Two U.S. planes are downed in the attack.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    L: United States
    IF: President Johnson got the power to take whatever actions he sees necessary to defend southeast Asia.
    IW: More involvement in war
  • Rolling Thunder Begins

    L: North Vietnan
    I F: a limited but long lasting bombing offensive, its aim is to force North Vietnam to stop supporting Vietcong guerrillas in the South.
    I W: An American campaign against North Vietnam's transport system. LASTED 1 MONTH
  • First major battle of Vietnam War for American Units

    L: Chu La
    i F: 1st Vietcong regiment reveals that an attack is imminent against the U.S. Marine base at Chu Lai.
    I W: U.S. Victory
  • President Johnson commits over 60,000 troops to Vietnam

    L: Vietnam
    IF: The American forces have reached 385,000 men plus 60,000 sailors stationed offshore.
    IW: Troops now numbered over 280,00
  • Operation Junction City

    L: Tay Ninh province
    IF: Goal is to destroy Vietcong bases and Vietcong military headquarters for South Vietnam
    IW: succeed in capturing large quantities of stores, equipment and weapons, but there are no large, decisive battles.
  • Khe Sanh attacked by Vietcong

    L: Marine Base at Khe Sanh
    I F: Started at 5:30 am with shells, mortars, and rockets hitting the base at Khe Sanh
    I W:18 Marines are killed instantly, 40 are wounded, initial attack continues for two days.
  • Tet Offensive begins

    L: South Vietnam
    IF: Vietcong units surge into action over the length and breadth of South Vietnam.
    IW: 37,000 Vietcong troops deployed for Tet have been killed, Americans lost 2,500 men
  • My Lai massacre

    L: My La
    i F: U.S. Charlie Company kills about two hundred civilians.
    IW: Raised unsettling questions about the conduct of the war.
  • Nixon takes Office

    L: United States
    IF: President Richard M. Nixon takes office as the new President of the United States.
    IW: Nixon promises to achieve "Peace With Honor." The aim is to negotiate a settlement that will allow the half million U.S. troops to be withdrawn and still allowing South Vietnam to survive.
  • Operation Menu

    L: North Vietnamese and Vietcong bases within Cambodia
    IF: Authorized by President NixoN.
    IW: Over four years, U.S. forces will drop more than a half million tons of bombs on Cambodia.
  • All but 133,000 US troops have come home

    L: South Vietnam
    IF: Two thirds of America's troops have gone in two years.
    IW: Ground war is now almost exclusively the responsibility of South Vietnam which has over 1,000,000 men enlisted.
  • Peace talks break down

    L: Paris
    IF: peace talks between the North Vietnamese and the Americans breakdown.
    IW: May or may not happen.
  • Peace talk resumes

    L: Paris
    IF: All warring parties in the Vietnam War sign a cease fire.
    IW: Ceases fire
  • Nixon Resigns

    L: United States
    IF: President Richard M. Nixon resigns
    IW: Leaving South Vietnam without its strongest advocate.
  • Last casualties for the US and final evacuation

    L: Saigon's Tan Son Nhut airport.
    IF: They are the last Americans to die in the Vietnam War.
    IW: War ended over a span of 15 years. The casualties are nearly a million NVA and Vietcong troops and a quarter of a million South Vietnamese soldiers. Hunderds of thousands of civilians had been killed.