The cold war in asia 1

Cold War in Asia

  • People's Republic

    People's Republic
    Under the leadership of Mao Zedong the People's Republic was proclaimed in China.
  • Beginning of Korean war

    Beginning of Korean war
    North Korea invades south Korea. Crossed 38th Parallel. Beginning of war
  • North Korea Invades South Korea

    North Korea Invades South Korea
    North Korean troops began to invade South Korea which whom attempted to unify Korea and set up a communist regime for the entire nation.
  • Period: to

    Korea's army

    United States and the United Nations scrambled to contain North Korea's army and needed to assemble forces to defeat it. This was seen as a challenge from the communist world.
  • Seoul Captured by China

    After seven months of fighting the North Koreans and the Chinese captured Seoul capital and largest city of South Korea.
  • MacArthur Insubordinated

    MacArthur Insubordinated
    President Truman charged MacArthur with insubordination after he tried to raise public support for bombing China. Truman did not like this because all the United States were instructed to do by the U.N. was push back North Korea and regain South Korea’s territory.
  • Truce Talks Begin

    Truce Talks Begin
    Talks begin between the United States and United Nations about North Korea and how to end the war.
  • End of the Korean War

    End of the Korean War
    Agreements were finally reached during the first term of Dwight Eisenhower Truman successer.