Cold war map

Cold War Timeline

  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • Chinese Revolution

    Chinese Revolution
    Jiang's military was reduced and the Nationalist Party was forced to flee tp Taiwan to save their lives. The fall of China was also a loss for America.U.S was worried China would become communist and then Asia would become communist.Agrued China was never really controled by Jiang. The U.S. had no roll in China's fall.
  • NSC-68 Policy

    NSC-68 Policy
    National Security Council created the policy NSC-68. The goal was to guarantee the U.S. will be able to enforce it's containment policy all around the world. War cost was really high, so there was no military problems or battles at the time, just tension. After North Korea invaded, the U.S. military budget increased by 350% and increased troops to 3 and 1/2 million.
  • Building of Korea War

    Building of Korea War
    North Korean armed forces crossed into South Korea to drive them down to the coast of Pusan. Kim II- Sung (N. Korea) had an advantage of the Soviet Assistance by increasing military. South Korea had to face defeat without any other help.
  • China's Block Towards Communism

    China's Block Towards Communism
    U.S wasn't the only country concerned about China being communist. Allies joined U.S to have people recognize China's republic. Stalin ordered Soviets to boycott the organization but soon ended their boycott and rejoined the United Nations security council eventhough China wasn't recognized as a member until 1973.
  • SURPRISE!! Attack

    SURPRISE!! Attack
    MacArthur launched an attack for the back of North Korea near Inchon. Koreans didn't know they were comming and they weren't nearly ready. North Korea suffered many fatalities and were driven to S. Korean and American troops.
  • Peace Talks

    Peace Talks
    Preformed peace talks in Korea and discussed prisioner exchange. This continued for about two years with fighting and severel casualties which increased the conflict to a bigger problem.
  • After Math:Truman & Re-Election

    After Math:Truman & Re-Election
    Truman was in the running to be re-elected because of his attempt to fix things in Korea. But, due to his reputation and people didn't really favor him, he was not re-elected. Eisenhower won election in '52, but his term expired in 1953. At that time, he wanted to bring troops home. This didn't work either because his peace talks were delayed
  • Eisenhowers Presidency

    Eisenhowers Presidency
    Eisenhower kept his promise of ending the war, and traveled to Korea weeks into his presidency. There he discussed peace talks and discussed why war wasn't an important issue. He threatened to use atomic weapons if peace progress did not advance and alarmed both sides and signed a cease fire in North and South Korea.He established a DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) which is 2 & 1/2 miles wide by 155 mile long territory on 38th parallel. U.S. lost close to 37,000 and U.N. suffered 3,000 deaths.