In the early 1903, the film 'The great train robbery' is the first film to involve splicing by hand and glue back together. Furthermore, nobody knows the acutual date when splicing first started. Splicing is when they cut film tape with scissors and glue. -
In 1924, a man called Iwan Serruier invented the Moviola. The Moviola allows a film editor to view a film while editing.Also, it was the first machine for motion picture editing. -
Picture and sound rolls load onto separate motorized disks, called "plates." Each set of plates moves forward or backward separately, or locked together to maintain synchronization between picture and sound..There are 2 most common plates and they are the " six-plate" and the "eight-plate". The "six-plate" is used to transport one picture and two sounds tranports. The "eight-plate" is used to tranport two picture and two sound. -
Tape to Tape
Tape to tape is also known as Linear video editing and it's a video