12.3 The War in Europe

  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Adolf Hitler wanted to defeat the Soviet economy in order to defeat the Soviet Union. His army was in charge of capturing oil fields, factories, and farmland in southern Russia and Ukraine. The Germans lost the battle because of a lack of equipment for the cold and the extra Soviet troops. The Germans had to be more defensive. Both the Germans and the Soviets lost about half a million people.
  • Battle of The Atlantic

    German submarines were targeting American cargo ships even after citizens tried to come up with ways to stop it. in August the U.S. Navy set up a convoy system which sent ships out with other ships for protection. America started to upgrade the technology used in airplanes and warships and this gave the upper hand to the Allies.
  • Battle for North Africa

    Battle for North Africa
    Roosevelt wanted to invade Morocco and Algeria to get experience for the army without needing too many people and to help British troops fight the Germans in Egypt. While fighting at Kasserine Pass the Americans were losing so Eisenhower put General George Patton in command which led to the American and British forces forcing the German troops in North Africa to surrender.
  • Casablanca Conference

    Casablanca Conference
    Roosevelt and Churchill set a conference to plan the next step of war. The agreed to set up a bombing on Germany with the goal of the progressive destruction of the German military, industrial and economic system, and undermining the morale of the people.
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    Bombings on Germany

    Britain and the U.S. had already been dropping bombs on Germany prior to the conference but the stakes were upped after the conference. The Royal Air Force and The U.S. Eighth Army Air Force had dropped about 53,000 tons onto Germany but the only thing that Germany suffered from was an entirely destroyed air force along with an oil shortage and a destroyed railroad system.
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    Italian Campaign

    After Italy surrendered German troops took control of northern Italy and returned Mussolini to power. Germans set up positions near Cassino. The Allies chose to land at Anzio but instead of the Germans retreating they surrounded the Allies. The Allies broke through five months later and captured Rome. The fighting continued for about another year resulting in a loss of about 300,000 Allies.
  • Invasion of Sicily

    The invasion was led by General Eisenhower. AFter eight days on shore America broke through enemy lines and captured the west half of the island while the British attacked from the south. Germany ended up evacuating. The attack on Sicily ended up causing chaos in the Italian government. King Emmanuel wanted to depose of Mussolini so he called a meeting with Mussolini and arrested him. The new Italian government began negotiating a surrender to the allies.
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    Tehran Conference

    Roosevelt wanted to meet with Stalin before the Allies invaded France. Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt all got together and Stalin promised to play offense against the Germans when the Allies invaded France, Roosevelt and Stalin agreed to divide Germany after the war to keep world peace, they set up a international peacekeeping organization, and Stalin promised that Soviet Union would help the U.S. against Japan.
  • Hedgerows

    The battle tactics from the Germans at Omaha Beach had been passed onto other battles. In Normandy the Germans would build hedgerows that allowed them to defend their positions. However the battle ended when U.S. bombers blew a hole in the German lines creating an entrance.
  • D-Day

    About 7000 ships and 23,000 paratroopers were part of the operation. The landing was a success because German defenses were weak and the American, British, and Canadian all made it inland. At Omaha Beach the German troops were using trenches and concrete bunkers to fight the Americans. The Americans were almost forced to evacuate but they began knocking down German defenses and the invasion turned out to be a success although about 2,500 americans were killed or wounded at Omaha Beach.