Mar 2, 1450
Johann Gutenburg
Johann Gutenburg invents a printing press using movable metal type. The things he printed came from the way the Chinese did their printing with wooden blocks. -
Newspapers are Published.
Early news-papers were published in Germany. -
A semaphore is invented
A mechanical semaphore is invented in France. A semaphore is machine that conveys information into signs. -
Computer programs written draft
Ada Byron, a mathematician, writes the worlds first computer program for a computing machine designed by Charles Babbbage, but never built. -
Morse Code
Samuel Morse creates a telegraph. Using sounds like dashes and dots as syllables people could send simple messages. -
First susessful transmissions are made over a transatlantic cable. In other words, transmissions over the Atlantic. -
The telephone is invented.
Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone. Transmitting the sound of the voice clearly over electrical wires. -
Phonograph invention
Thomas Edison invents the phonograph a device to record sound on a wax cylinder. -
Lomg Distance calls
Long distance calls are made for the first time. It started in 1947, taking seven power towers from Boston to New York the signal was powerful enough, later technology didn't call for so many towers. -
Gugliermo Marconi
Marconie sends the fisrt radio signal accross the Atlantic ocean. It was sent to Poldhu, Cornwall. -
Pictures transmitted
Pictures are first transmitted over telephone lines. Turning the photo in tiny parts it could travel like data. -
Very first few homes get television sets to watch broadcast programs. The picturesa were in black and white and the sounds weren't clear as they are today. -
First communication satellite.
First communications sattelite is launched. Allowing worldwide live broadcast of the 1964 Olympics. -
The internet is created by the U.S.Government as means of military communication. It would be of course later, public. -
The first E-Mail messages are sent
The first E-mail messages are sent. -
PC invention
The personal computer, both small and powerful, is invented. The internet was surprisingly made before it. -
The first emoticon is used in an e-mail message. This was seven years after the invention of the e-mail. -
cell phones for sale.
The first cell phones are for sale. These were big and bulgy, and had no texting option. -
World Wide Web creation
Tim Berners-Lee invents the world wide web. Before it was for the goverment, but it got public because of him. -
Browser program
Marc Andreeson creats the first browser program allowing people to navigate the web. It was really famous and called Mosiac. -
paper is invented
The Chinese invent paper from rags. Shredding the rags and making a pulp and then drying makes the thing we still use today. -
Colored Flags
Byzantine ship captains use colored flags to send signals to one another across water. Depending on the wave or motion of the flag it could mean differant things.