importent comunications events

  • 450

    chinese printing

    chinese printing
    chinese invented printing by inking carved wood blocks.
    wood block must be prepaired befor it can be inked.
    they allso made tabbels with the same technique.
    wood block inking eventualy led to books.
  • Mar 2, 1450

    Printing press

    Printing press
    Johnn Gutenberg invents a printing press using movable metal type.
    this time is at the end of the middle ages.
    around this time there was a growing need for largely spreed documants.
    it remained untill the 19th century this invention was vertualy unchanged.
  • newspapers in Germany

    newspapers in Germany
    Early newspaper are published in Germany.
    the first was called the german-language.
    in bosten the first american news paper publick occurrences.
    by the early 19th century many citys in eurup and nerth and south america had news papers.
  • Mechanical semaphore

    Mechanical semaphore
    Mechanical semaphore is invented in france
    it is am means of vishual comunication.
    populer in late 18th and erly 19th century.
    faster than poast riders but more expensive and less privet than a tellagraph.
  • first computer program

    first computer program
    Ada Byron lovelace a mathematician wrights the worlds first computer program for a computing machine designed by Charles Babbage, but never built.
    only chiled of poet lord byron.
    was a tranlater befor she desined the program.
    since 1998 the british computer society has given an anuel aword in her name.
  • morse code

    morse code
    Samuel Morse invents a telegraph that can send short and long beeps called dots and dashes used to create letters and words.
    the dots and dashes where also called dots and dits.
    the telagraph code was simaler but not the same.
    morse code was largely used in WWI.
    -.-. --- --- .-.. !!!!!
  • transatalantic cable

    transatalantic cable
    first successful transmissions over a transantic cable.
    it tuke five atempts over nine years to get the first sucsesful transmishon.
    the cable streched from st. John's to Nova Scotia.
    the messages where in morce code and tuke two minuts to transmit one chericter.
  • first phone

    first phone
    Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone, transmitting the sound of the voice clearly over electrical wires.
    the phone was first invented in the england but Alexander was frum scottland.
    in the first ever transmition Bell spoke to his asistint watson "come hear watson I want to see you".
    Thomas Edison took the next step in improving the telephone with his invention in 1878 of the carben micraphone.
  • phonograph

    Thomas Edison invents the phonograph, a device to record sound on a wax cylinder.
    Thomas Edison changed the world with his voice recording device.
    the same tecnoligy is used in many things we have today.
    was invented on november 21 1877 in Chicogo.
  • long distance

    long distance
    first long distance phone call.
    was 2:31 seconds in langht.
    this changed the world think of how meny long distance calls you have made.
    was to communicate news of a family member dieing.
  • radio across atlantic

    radio across atlantic
    Gugliermo Marconi sends the first radio signal across the Atlantic Ocean.
  • T.V.

    the very first homes get television sets to watch broadcast programs.
  • pics

    pictures are first sent over telephone lines.
  • satalight is lanched

    satalight is lanched
    first communications satellite allowing worldwide live broadcast of the 1964 Olympics
  • the internet

    the internet
    the internet is invented by the U.S. goverment as a means of military communication.
  • first E-mail

    first E-mail
    the first E-mail messages are sent
  • computer invented

    computer invented
    the computer is invented
  • first emoticon

    first emoticon
    the first emoticonis used in an E-mail message (a smiley face) ☺
  • cell phone

    cell phone
    the first cell phones are available for sale
  • internet

    Tim Berners-Lee invents the internet
  • web brouser

    web brouser
    marc Andreeson creates the first browser program, allowing people to navigate the web.
  • flags

    Byzantine Ship captains use colored flags to send signals across the water.
    now we have moderen radieo to communicate across water.
    We do still use some nautical flags.
    there are meny diferent kinds of flags some are letters and some are sines like storm.