chinese invent printing by inking carved wood blocks
Mar 3, 776
homing pigeons carry messages about the olympics for ancient greeks
Mar 21, 1450
Johann Gutenberg invents a printing press using movable metal type.
early newspaper are published in germany
Mechanical semaphore is invented in france
ada byron, a mathematician, writes the worlds first computer program for a computing mahine designed by charles babbage, but never built
samuel morse invents a telegraph that can send short and long beeps, called "dots and dashes."
first sucessfful transmissions over a transatlantic cable.
alexander graham bell invents the telephone, transmitting the sound of the voice clearly over electorial wires.
Thomas edison invents the phonograph, a device to record sound on a wax cylinder.
first long distance phone calls are made
gugliermo Marconi sends the first radio signal across the atlantic ocean.
Pictures are first transmitted over telephone lines.
very first few homes get television set to watch broadcast programs
first communications satellite is launched, allowing worldwide live broadcast of the 1964 olypics.
the internet is invented by the u.s government as a means of military communication.
It's a fact of history that often the most technical advances are precipitated by times of war. To rapidly take technology to the next level requires many smart minds congregating to concentrate on one project. Such organization requires the money and resources only a government can provide. -
The first email messages are sent
These first messages were sent in late 1971. The next release of TENEX went out in early 1972. -
the personal computer, both small and powerful, is invented
By rights Xerox PARC could claim the PC was invented there and built in 1972, they created ALTO the first PC ever built." (years before Apple built their version and marketed it to the public), "not to mention laying the foundation for the program that eventually became the basis for the Macintosh
and Windows operating systems." ---research who pirated Apple after they pirated rights from Microsoft- -the facts were stated by cutting edge research among today's foremost scientist's, and theore -
The first emoticon is used in an email message
An emoticon (US: /ɪˈmoʊtɪˌkɒn/, UK: /ɪˈməʊtɪkɒn/) is a facial expression pictorially represented by punctuation and letters, usually to express a writer’s mood -
the first cell phones are available for sale
The history of mobile phones begins with early efforts to develop mobile telephony concepts using two-way radios and continues through emergence of modern mobile phones and associated services. -
Tim berners-lee invents the world wide web
A graduate of Oxford University, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web, an internet-based hypermedia initiative for global information sharing while at CERN, the European Particle Physics Laboratory, in 1989. He wrote the first web client and server in 1990. His specifications of URIs, HTTP and HTML were refined as Web technology spread. -
Marc andreeson creates the first browser program,allowing people to navigate the web.
chinese make paper from rags
Paper seems to have been invented around 100 BC in China. -
byzantine ship captains use colored flags to send signals to one another across the water.
Neanderthal man carves a picture on a woolly mammoth tooth
he carves on wooly mammoth tooth, discovered near tata