New Jersey unloads sewage
The U.S. Supreme Court rules that New Jersey can dump sewage into the New York harbor. -
Nazis link nationalism with environmentalism
A Nazi Party newspaper discusses the link between nationalism and environmentalism. "Asphalt culture is destroying peasant thinking, the rural lifestyle and [national strengh]." -
The term 'greenhouse effect' is coined
The term 'greenhouse effect' is coined by Glen Thomas Trewartha, assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin. -
St. Louis smog episode
Smog is so thick in St. Louis that lanterns are needed during daylight for a week. -
Atomic bombs dropped
U.S. drops atomic boms on Japan, unleashing nuclear power to the world. -
First conference on air pollution
The U.S. holds its first conference on air pollution. -
4,000 die in London fog
4,000 people die in the worst of London's 'killer fogs.' -
First nuclear plant opens
World's first commerical nuclear power plant opens in Sellafield, U.K. This is seen as the start of the 'new atomic age' that would produce electricity that is too cheap to measure. -
Clean Air Act
Congress passes Clean Air Act with a $95 million budget for study and cleanup efforts. -
First Earth Day
The first nationwide Earth Day is celebrated, creating a greater political presence for environmental concerns. -
Arab Oil Embargo
Consumers panic as prices quadruple during the Arab Oil Embargo. The shock leads to a national soul-searching about energy priorities. -
Department of Energy created
U.S. Department of Energy is created by President Jimmy Carter. -
Chernobyl explosion
Ukraine's Chernobyl nuclear reactor explodes, killing 31 people immediately. 4,200 people are estimated to have died from effects later. -
Exxon Valdez spill
Exxon Valdez oil carrier spills 11million gallons of oil. -
Being an environmentalist becomes trendy
Gallup poll finds that 76 percent of Americans call themselves environmentalists. -
Clinton protects forests
President Clinton signs an order restricting logging in old growth forests. -
Climate change warning issued
Climate change warning issued by U.N. Intergovernmental Panel report. -
Earth's population exceeds 6 billion
Earth's population exceeds six billion in 1999. Half are living in cities. -
Emissions to be cut by 50 percent
The group of eight, or G-8, industrialized countries say they will cut carbon dioxide emissions by 50 percent by 2050, the first time all eight countries have commited to combatting climate.