0216 monroe

James Monroe: Presidency and Life

  • James Monroe Born

    On April 28, 1758, James Monroe was born to Spence Monroe and Elizabeth Jones Monroe in Westmoreland County, Virginia.
  • Period: to

    James Monroe- Life

  • James Monroe goes to college/army

    James Monroe goes to college/army
    James Monroe went to the college of William and Mary subsequently after his father died. Around this time, the Revolution was in full blast and that wasn't good for him and his education, so he dropped out and went into the Continental Army. He would become the last president to serve in the Revolutionary War.
  • James Monroe Marries Elizabeth Kortright

    James Monroe Marries Elizabeth Kortright
    James Monroe married Elizabeth Kortright on February 16, 1786.
  • James Monroe Becomes the Fifth President of the United States of America

    James Monroe Becomes the Fifth President of the United States of America
    On March 4, 1817, James Monroe was inaugurated as the fifth president of the United States of America. He would now be known as "The Last Cocked Hat" and the "Era-of-Good-Feeling President". He was part of the Democratic-Republican Party and his Vice President was Daniel D. Tompkins for both terms that he was elected.
    "I SHOULD be destitute of feeling if I was not deeply affected by the strong proof which my fellow-citizens have given me of their confidence in calling me to the high office..."
  • Flag changed to 13 stripes

    Flag changed to 13 stripes
    Congress changed the flag to have 13 stripes to honor original British colonies on April 4, 1818. This flag is now the famous American flag with 13 stripes, but only 24 stars. The Anglo-American Convention also set the modern-day border with Canada on that day.
  • The First Seminole War

    The First Seminole War
    After the War of 1812, slave owners in America went to Florida to search for runaway slaves and Seminole Indians because they had backed Britain in the war and had been trading weapons with them. From 1817-1818, the United States Army invaded Spanish Florida and fought against the Seminole and their African American allies.
  • The Panic of 1819

    The Panic of 1819
    The Panic of 1819 was a time of financial scare. It all started with the war of 1812. It resembled the Depression of 1929 by the fact that the banks were failing, the unemployment rates rose, houses were forclosed, and the agricultural department fell in pricing.
  • Monroe Reelected after Missouri Compromise

    Monroe Reelected after Missouri Compromise
    In 1820, The Missouri Compromise was given. It prohibited slavery from that territory now becoming a state.
  • James Monroe Reelected

    James Monroe Reelected
    His second inauguration was the first to be held on March 5 and the first to have the U.S. Marine Band play.
    "I SHALL not attempt to describe the grateful emotions which the new and very distinguished proof of the confidence of my fellow-citizens, evinced by my reelection to this high trust, has excited in my bosom."
  • Monroe Doctrine Delivered

    Monroe Doctrine Delivered
    On December 2, 1823, Monroe delivered his very famous, Monroe Doctrine. In this speech, President James Monroe tried to limit the Europeans from coming into the Western Hemisphere, interfering with the independence of South America.
    "...the rights and interests of the United States are involved, that the American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintain, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers.."
  • James Monroe Dies

    James Monroe Dies
    James Monroe passed away in New York, New York. The cause of his death is from Tuberculosis. He is buried in Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, Virginia.