Alfred Binet born.
Alfred Adler born.
Margaret Washburn born.
Born in New York -
Carl Jung born.
Clark Hull born.
Margaret Washburn at age 15 graduates. -
Kurt Lewin born.
David Wechsler Born
Donald Hebb Born.
Binet Review
Alfred Binet releases the first IQ test to the public. -
Alfred Binet Dies
Hans Esyench born
Alfred wanted to leave Austria and headed for the USA. He got a job as a professor. -
Hans Eysenck
Migrates to England because of hate for the Nazi party. -
Stanley Milgram born.
Donald Hebb.
Donald Hebb was accepted to study under Carl Lashley in the university of Chicargo. -
Alfred Adler Dies.
David Wechsler
Famous for Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale -
Margaret Washburn dies.
Carl Jung
Carl Jung published the book Psychology and Alchemy. -
Kurt Lewin dies.
Clark Hull dies.
Carl Jung dies.
Milgram Experiment
David Wechsler dies
Stanley Milgram Dies.
Donald Hebb Dies
Clark is oftern said to be the inventer of Hypnosis after his experiment Hypnosis and suggestibility. -
Hans Eysenck dies