The History of the Apple Computer (Elli R.)

  • First Apple Computer

    First Apple Computer
    Steve "Woz" Wozniak and Steve Jobs invented the first Apple Computrer. It was an encased circuit board that sold for $666.66.
  • Apple 2 was Made

    Apple 2 was Made
    The Apple 2 was relased. It had pictures and words. It had more graphics and a floppy disk, for easy data storage were added.
  • The Apple 2e

    The Apple  2e
    The Apple 2e was released which included faster clipsets. It also had improved graphics and memory capacity.
  • The Macintosh computer

    The Macintosh computer
    The Macintosh computer was sold for 2,495.00. It had a fast Motoroal 68000 processer and a graphical user interface. It had a fast Motoral 68000 processer and a graphical user interface. It also came with two programs,MacWrite and MacPaint.
  • Apple Introduces iMac

    Apple Introduces iMac
    Apple introduces the iMac, an all-in-one computer and monitor wrappedin clear and blue or red plastic. It only cost 999.00 and had a smaller mouse and keyboard.