My Life

  • Birth

  • The largest optical telescope in the U.S. was built

    The largest optical telescope in the U.S. was built
  • Period: to

    My life span

  • My First Christmas

    My First Christmas
  • Got my First Dog

    Got my First Dog
  • Moved to Iowa

    Moved to Iowa
  • My Brother was Born

    My Brother was Born
  • Terrorist attack

    Terrorist attack
  • Iraqi War Starts

    Iraqi War Starts
  • Got My Second Dog

    Got My Second Dog
  • My First Dog Died

    My First Dog Died
  • Facebook Is Invented

    Facebook Is Invented
  • Hurriane Katrina

    Hurriane Katrina
  • Pluto is not a Planet

    Pluto is not a Planet
  • Saddam Hussein Died

    Saddam Hussein Died
  • Neck surgery

    Neck surgery
  • Earthquake In Haiti

    Earthquake In Haiti
  • First African America President

    First African America President
  • Michael Jackson died

    Michael Jackson died
  • Met Hannah

    Met Hannah
  • Met Dean

    Met Dean