
Cold War Abroad

  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The 25th of June 1950 was the start of the Korean War which was between the Republic of Korea and Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. It wasnt until 1953 though, that both sides signed an armistice and agreed to stop fighting. This was the result of the division of North and South Korea, and their very first fight became the very first significant event to start the Cold War.
  • Stalin Dies- Khrushchev takes over

    Stalin Dies- Khrushchev takes over
    After Stalin died, Nikita Khrushchev took office on Septemeber 14, 1953. He eventually servedas Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
  • CIA Overthrow of Iran

    CIA Overthrow of Iran
    The CIA of the United States as well as the United Kingdom planned to overthrow Iran's Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh, from the democratic government. Consequently, Mohammad-Rezā Shāh Pahlavi brought a dictatorship for 26 years.This was during the Cold War.
  • KGB Was Established

    KGB Was Established
    Translated from Russian into English, KGB is also know as the State Security Agency of the Republic of Belarus. This was the Soviet Unions national security agency from 1954 to 1991. According to the policy of the Cold War, KGB had to listen to and monitor the private and public opinions of people, and any planned revolts.
  • Brinkmanship

    This is known as the act of pushing enemy lines to the breaking point, within dangerous situations and events. The point is to get the enemy toquit or surrender. It is mainly for international politics, foreign policy, labour relations, and military stradegos that involve some kind of nuclear weapons.
  • Massive Retaliation

    Massive Retaliation
    Also known as a 'massive response," is a sort of military doctrine that says after a country has been attacked, they will retaliate with much greater force. They will have bigger effect to respond to the enemy.
  • CIA Overthrow of Guatemala

    CIA Overthrow of Guatemala
    In 1954, the United States CIA had a secret oporation again Guatemala. The plan was to overthrow their directly-elected president, Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán.This event was during the Cold War.
  • Vietnam split at the 17th parallel

    Vietnam split at the 17th parallel
    The 17th parallel split was between North and South Vietnam. The Chinese didnt want Vietnam too strong because they were on the Southern boarder, so they easily talked the Great Powers into their proposal. This idea was brought up at the Geneva Conference of 1954(also ended the French war taking place in Vietnam).
  • Warsaw Pact Formed

    Warsaw Pact Formed
    Also known as the Warsaw Treaty, the Warsaw Pact was a mutual defense treaty, of which included eight different communist states together in Eastern Europe. The treaty stated that these countries would help eachother in the case of an attack on one of them.
  • Missile Gap

    Missile Gap
    The "missile gap" was a term the United States used to show the huge difference in the amount and power of the U.S.S.R and the U.S ballistic missile arsenals, that took place during the cold war. It was used to make estimates seem much more drastic.
  • Sputnik launched

    Sputnik launched
    The worlds first earth-orbiting artifical satellite was built by the Soviet Union and was known as Sputnik 1. Sputnik's success marked the beginning of the 'Space Age'.
  • Castro Takes Cuba

    Castro Takes Cuba
    This became a result of the armed revolut he lead, also known as the 'Cuban Revolution' in 1953. This caused Fidel to overthrow Fulgencio Batista, the Cuban dictator, leaving Casto in power.
  • U2 Spy Plane Shot Down

    U2 Spy Plane Shot Down
    The U2 incident was when a United States U-2 spy plane was caught and shot down over the Soviet Union Airspace. The U.S government first tried to deny the plane's purpse, but was soon forced to tell the truth. This event was a huge embaressment for the U.S.