Shaska's Timeline

  • My Birthday

    I was born in Bossier City, LA on July 19, 1984 at 8:54am.
  • I Started Kindergarten

    I started kindergarten at Oak Park Elementary in Ocean Springs, MS.
  • Got My First Job

    Got My First Job
    My first job was at Tato Nut Donut Shop in Ocean Springs, MS
  • Graduated High School

    Graduated High School
  • Began College

    Began College
    I started college at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Perkinston Campus.
  • Transfer to the University of Southern Mississippi

    Transfer to the University of Southern Mississippi
    I moved to Hattiesburg to attend college there.
  • Engagement

    I got engaged!
  • Took a break from school

    I took a much needed break from school.
  • My Wedding Day

    My Wedding Day
    I got married to Lance Crabtree on November 3, 2007 at 3:00 in Ocean Springs, MS.
  • Became a student at the University of South Alabama

    Became a student at the University of South Alabama
    I decided it was time to go back to school and finish my degree of Elementary Education.