Welcome Colton Waller to the world

  • Copeland Swimming Pool reopened

    Copeland Swimming  Pool reopened
    Copeland Swimming Pool was reopened on birthday
  • MY Birthday

    MY Birthday
    It Colton Waller.
  • Period: to

    Colton Waller to the world

  • Starting Basketball

    Starting Basketball
    I started playing basketball when I was two years old.
  • Sister born

    Sister born
    My sister was born on sep 2 1999
  • Yankees champion 1999

    Yankees champion 1999
    Yankee won a lot of world series.
  • Y2k

    Y2k opened on Jan 1,2000
  • Hedy Lamarr

    Hedy Lamarr
    Hedy Lamarr died on 1/19/2000
  • 9/11/01

    Sep 11 2001 was a bad day for US
  • My quad

    My quad
    I got quad in Aug and I love it now.
    The year is right, but the date is an guess
  • Starting school

    Starting school
    I started school in 2002 as a AK student at Grant. The year is right, but the date is a guess
  • Moved from Cr to Ely

    Moved from Cr to Ely
    I moved from Cedar Rapids to Ely in 2003.
    The year is right, but the date is an guess.
  • Starting kid pitch baseball

    Starting kid pitch baseball
    I starting playing kid pitch baseball when I 7-8 years old. The year is right, but the date is a guess.
  • Great grandma Howe

    Great grandma Howe
    Great grandma Howe died on Jan 25,2004. The date is an estimate, but the year is right.
  • Great grandpa Howe

    Great grandpa Howe
    Great grandpa Howe died on Nov 25,2004. This date is guess, but the year is right.
  • Saddam Hussein Deid

    Saddam Hussein Deid
    Saddam Hussein died on 12/30/08
  • Barack Obama

    Barack Obama
    Barack Obama was boss of the Us as of 1/20/08.
  • Flood of 2008

    Flood of 2008
    My grandpa's house got flooded on my dad's side.
  • Lakers champion 2009

    Lakers champion 2009
    Lakers are my favorite NBA team.
  • Lakers 2010

    Lakers 2010
    Lakers are going for 3 champins in row.
  • My great grandpa died

    My great grandpa died
    My great grandpa Louis died on my mom side.
  • Driving permit

    Driving permit
    I got my driving permit on Aug 18/2010.