The Life of Lucy Schneekloth

  • I Am Born!

    I Am Born!
    I was born at 6 o'clock on December 1st, 1996. I was and stil am my parents only child.
  • World AIDS Day

    World AIDS Day
    This was a day to let the world become aware of AIDS. We still have this day today!
  • Period: to

    My Life

  • Said my first word

    Said my first word
    My first word was "da-da." I wasn't even 2 years old yet.
  • Got a Puppy :)

    Got a Puppy :)
    We got a golden retriever puppy. Her name is Lizzie. She is 10 years old.
  • Twin Tower Attack

    Twin Tower Attack
    This was the day the nation was in danger. Terriorists had hi-jacked planes and flown them into the twin towers leaving thousands dead and injured.
  • Trip to Disney World!

    Trip to Disney World!
    We went to Disney World for my 5th birthday. We took my grandparents and godparents with us. We were there for a week and I had a blast going on rides and seeing the characters!
  • Grandpa Died

    Grandpa Died
    My papa Ron died of a heart failure. He was having a heart procedure at the time.
  • The Start of the War in Iraq

    The Start of the War in Iraq
    The war in Iraq started and we sent troops over to fight. President George W. Bush was in office when this happened.
  • Softball

    I started softball at the age of 8. I had been in it until last year (2010).
  • Started at Prairie

    Started at Prairie
    I moved to Prairie in my 1st grade year. I met new friends but had to get used to public school.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    This was the largest hurricane to hit America at that time. We had to help several thousand citizens get shelter and help.
  • Start of Economy Crash

    Start of Economy Crash
    Although there is no specific date, all of 2008 was a bad year for the economy. We are still feeling the effects of this.
  • Start of Flood in Iowa

    Start of Flood in Iowa
    The Cedar River swelled up on June 8th and severalk business and homes were flooded. We are still repairing and building from this.
  • Jr. NYLC

    Jr. NYLC
    This was a leadership conference that was held in July. I flew to Washington D.C. and met a lot of friends from around the country.
  • Obama Sworn-In

    Obama Sworn-In
    This was the day the first african-american president was sworn into office. He made history!
  • Haiti Earthquake

    Haiti Earthquake
    There was a massive earthquake that hit Haiti. Thousands were left homeless with no food, water or shelter. America went down to help them.
  • Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico

    Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico
    BP had an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. This killed several hundred fish and toher wildlife. They are still working on cleaning it up.
  • Diving Camp!

    Diving Camp!
    I went to a diving camp at Jefferson over the summer and I fell in love with it. I now am moving schools so I can dive for them.
  • Texting while Driving Law Passed

    Texting while Driving Law Passed
    Iowa passed a law banning texting while driving. This law was after the epidimic of teens and adults texting while driving and causing accidents.
  • Jr. NYLC Boston ALUMINI

    Jr. NYLC Boston ALUMINI
    This was the Alumini conference for those who went to D.C. I met even more friends and learned information about our country.
  • I got my Permit!

    I got my Permit!
    I took the test and passed the permit test on my birthday!!