The Timeline of my life(Grace Lindgren)

  • Hello World! Grace is here!

    Hello World! Grace is here!
    I was born on April 2nd at 3:30 at Mercy Hospital in Iowa City.
  • "Dolls House"

    "Dolls House"
    "Dolls House" opens at Belasco Theater in New York City.
  • Period: to

    My Life in time.

  • First Word.

    First Word.
    My first word was Dada. (Date not Exact)
  • Dad gets ran over.

    Dad gets ran over.
    Dad tried to save some kids and got hit by a ford truck. He was in the hospital for a month. Also his story was in the newspaper.
  • Baby Brother!

    Baby Brother!
    Izaak, my brother is born at the U of I hospital.
  • Moved!

    Moved to Shueyville.
  • 9/11

    The U.S. was attacked. The twin towers were crashed into by two planes.
  • First time out of the country.

    First time out of the country.
    My first trip to Mexico! I got to swim with the dolphins. (Date maybe a little off)
  • War!

    We went to war with Iraq. (Year is correct)
    (No clue on day or month)
  • First broken bone.

    First broken bone.
    I broke my arm falling off the playground in downtown Iowa City. My cast was glow in the dark and waterproof. (Day not exact)
  • Best Friend!!

    Best Friend!!
    I met Mallory Jones, my best friend the first day of fourth grade. (Date not exact)
  • Dad past away.

    Dad past away.
    My dad past away from a heart attack.
  • Katrina Hill

    Katrina Hill
    Katrina Hill was a Kirkwood College student and my ECC teacher. She was murdered in 2008.
  • Flood!

    Cedar Rapids was flooded in June. (Day not exact)
  • Obama

    Obama became our new president!
  • Michael Jackson

    Michael Jackson
    Michael Jackson died.
  • Oil Spill

    Oil Spill
    BP made in oil spill into the ocean that caused many problems for sea life and cost a bunch of money to clean up.
  • Opus Honor choir.

    Opus Honor choir.
    I made opus 7th and 8th grade girls state honor choir.
  • Cat died:(

    Cat died:(
    My cat Felix died. He was a black cat that we found in a storm.