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Elsa Einstein
Elsa Einstein, Albert Einstein's second wife's lifetime -
Einstein is born
Albert Einstein is born on 20 Bahnhofstrasse, Ulm, Germany -
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Albert Einstein
Sister, Maja, born
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Maja Einstein
Maja Einstein, Albert Einstein's sister's lifetime -
Family moves to Milan, Italy
Albert is left behind to complete school. He lived in a boardinghouse -
Recieved diploma
Albert received his diploma in Aarau, Switzerland. He had to have this to go to ETH with girlfriend, Mileva -
Gets a temporary teaching job
Daughter, Liserl is born
Marries Mileva
Hans Albert is born
Family moves to Munich, Germany
Paper published on relativity
Paper published on relativity
Application for a Swiss citezenship
Birth of Eduard
Einsteins move to Berlin, soon after, Mileva takes children to Zurich because of WW1
Albert divorces Mileva
Married to Elsa
1921 Nobel Prize awarded to Albert
Elsa dies
Maja dies
Albert refuses presidential offer from Israel
Albert dies from a ruptured aortic aneurysm