
Invention of Automobile

  • First car invented

    First car invented
    The first car was invented in 1769 made life easier to get to places, went 2.5 mph
  • First coal powered car

    First coal powered car
    The first coal powoered car was invented, it made getting around quicker.
  • First 4 stroke engine was invented

    First 4 stroke engine was invented
    First 4 stroke engine was invented, made cars go ever quicker.
  • First racecar invented

    First racecar invented
    The first racecar was made in 1890, had 35 hp.
  • Grand Prix racing started

    Grand Prix racing started
    Grand Prix racing started, It paid people to race cars.
  • Ford company was made

    Ford company was made
    In 1903 ford was made, so it made making cars quicker.
  • Safe stopping distances decreased

    Safe stopping distances decreased
    Car's were safer and stopped quicker
  • Cars started conserving oil

    Cars started conserving oil
    A lot less oil was used, cars were made to conserve.
  • Rick Wagoner because the president of General Motors

    Rick Wagoner because the president of General Motors
    Cars were improved once he because the president of General Motors.
  • Toyota realeased Prius

    Toyota realeased Prius
    Made cars cheaper and affordable.