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Keri Sorensen

  • Day of Birth

    Day of Birth
    Davenport, IA <P>Keri was born in Davenport, IA. Davenport is right next to Bettendorf, Ia, where her house was located at the time of her birth. She was born having one older brother, Erik, who is 23 today.
  • Lily

    Golden Retrievers <P> On May 4th, the Sorensen family added one more to their household, Lily.
  • Grace

    The best dogs ever <P> Lily needed a friend to play with so the Sorensen family adopted one more. Grace is a wild dog that does whatever she wants to. But the family still loves her.
  • Keri Goes to College

    Keri Goes to College
    Simpson College <P> Keri attended Simpson College in 2008 after graduating from Pleasant Valley in Bettendorf, IA. At Simpson, she majors in Elementary Education and plays softball for the Storm.