Erikson's Bio

By jmsdj1
  • Birth

    Erik Salomonsen (Erik Erikson) is born in Frankfurt, Germany.
  • Erik Salomonsen(Erikson)

    (actual dates may vary) His mother married a Jewish Pediatrician, Dr. Theodore Homberger
  • Erik Homberger(Erikson)

    (actual dates may vary) Erik Salomonsen name was changed to Erik Homberger.
  • Adoption

    (actual dates may vary) Erik was officially adopted by his step father, Theodore Homberger.
  • Travel

    (actual dates may vary) Erik Homberger traveld europe and wrote down his experiences in a journal he kept in his possesions at all times.
  • New Home, New Name

    (actual dates may vary) Erik Homberger came to the United States, to escape the Holocaust. Erik Homberger also offically changed his name to Erik Erikson.
  • First Publication

    Erik Eriskon published "Childhood and Society".
  • Teaching

    Erikson taught at Harvard until his retirement.
  • Retirement

    Erikson retired from Harvard Teaching and did further research on his wife.
  • Death

    Erik Erikson Died