
Robert E. Lee

  • Robert E. Lee is born in Westmoreland County, Virginia

    Robert E. Lee is born in Westmoreland County, Virginia
  • His father is the famous "light horse Harry"

    His father is the famous "light horse Harry"
    Son of "light horse harry " who fought beside Gorge Washington.
  • Lee moves to Alexandria

    Lee moves to Alexandria
  • Lee's father dies

    Lee's father dies
  • Lee enters West point

  • Lee graduates 2nd in his West Point class.

    Lee graduates 2nd in his West Point class.
  • marries Mary Anna Custis.

    marries Mary Anna Custis.
  • Rendered distinguished services in Mexican War.

  • Lee serves on the staff of General Winfield Scott

  • He is promoted to Brevet Major.

  • Lee is Stationed in Mexico.

  • Lee becomes superintendent of West Point.

  • Lee is Confirmed into the Episcopal Church.

  • Lee and troops put down John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry.

  • Period: to

    Virginia state forces become part of the Confederate forces.

  • Lee is Appointed Colonel of First Cavalry.

  • Scott offers Lee command of the Union Army

  • Virginia (Lee's home stste) secedes

  • Lee resigns from the United States Army.

  • Lee is given command of the Army of Northern Virginia

  • His great liutenant, "Stonewall" Jackson, died.

    His great liutenant, "Stonewall" Jackson, died.
  • Lee leads the south to victory in the sevan day battles

    Lee leads the south to victory in the sevan day battles
  • Lee leads the south to victory in the Second Manassas

    Lee leads the south to victory in the Second Manassas
  • Lee lost to the union at the battle of Sharpsburg

    Lee lost to the union at the battle of Sharpsburg
  • Lee leads the south to victory in Battle of Fredericksburg

    Lee leads the south to victory in Battle of Fredericksburg
  • Lee Leads South to victory over Hooker at Chacellorsville.

    Lee Leads South to victory over Hooker at Chacellorsville.
  • Lee loses at the battle of Gettysburg.

    Lee loses at the battle of Gettysburg.
  • Lee leads troops in Battle of Mine Run (Inconclusive)

    Lee leads troops in Battle of Mine Run (Inconclusive)
  • Lee leads troops in the Battle of the Wilderness against Grant. (Inconclusive)

    Lee leads troops in the Battle of the Wilderness against Grant. (Inconclusive)
  • Lee Conducted fighting about Spotsylvania Courthouse. (Inconclusive)

    Lee Conducted fighting about Spotsylvania Courthouse. (Inconclusive)
  • Battle of Cold Harbor (victory for south)

    Battle of Cold Harbor (victory for south)
  • Lee leads south to Victory in the Battle of the Crater.

    Lee leads south to Victory in the Battle of the Crater.
  • Richmond fell in ruins after an invasion from the north.

    Richmond fell in ruins after an invasion from the north.
  • Lee surrendered to Grant after the loss in the battle of Appomattox Courthouse.

    Lee surrendered to Grant after the loss in the battle of Appomattox Courthouse.
  • Lee Applied for Pardon.

  • Lee elected President of Washington College, Lexington, Virginia (now Washington and Lee University.)

    Lee elected President of Washington College, Lexington, Virginia (now Washington and Lee University.)
  • Lee declined to be a candidate for the governorship of Virginia.

  • The General dies after suffering a stroke at age 63.