Jan 1, 1501
Michaelangelo creates David, in Florence
Micahelangelo, known as the greatest sculptor in the history of sculpting created David in Florence. -
First Photo-Sensitive Compound
Professor Johann Schulze mixes chalk, nitric acid, and silver in a flask and notices a darkening on the side of the flask that is exposed to sunlight. -
First Photographic Image
The first photographic image was created with the camera obscura. -
Calotype was invented
William Henry Talbot patented the calotype which made it possible for multiple copies of a picture. -
First Color Photo
The first color photograph was taken in 1861. Three black and white images were passed through filters to make the color. -
Brady took Civil War Photos
Brady started taking pictures of the civil war, which put him at a lot of risk but inspired other photographers. -
U.S. Congress sent Photographers out West
Center of period when the U.S. congress sent photographers out West to take the pictures. The most famous pictures were taken by William Jackson and Tim O'Sullivan. -
First Photograph in New York Graphic
George Eastman sets up Eastman Dry Plate Company in Rochester, New York and the first half-tone photograph appears in the New York Graphic, a Newspaper. -
Hand Camera's Became Widely Available
Cameras that did not require tripods became widely available. -
Pablo Picasso's Career Began
It can be said that Pablo Picasso's career started this year. -
First X-Ray Picture Taking
Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen was the first person to take an x-ray picture. -
First 35mm still camera invented
Oskar Barnack while working for Ernst Leitz invented the first still working 35mm camera. -
Photos were reguarly used in magazines
Photographs and text were reguarly used in magazines. -
Instant color film was introduced
Polaroid introduced the first color film. -
First photograph from the Moon of the Earth
The first picture of the Earth was taken from the moon in 1968