Art History

By jhassan
  • Jan 1, 1519

    Camera Obscura

    Camera Obscura
    There were camera's for a long time. Leonardo de Vinci made a drawing of one as far back as 1519.
  • Jan 1, 1530


    People were making art pertaing to artifice over nature. At this time people wer perfecting the camera obscura.
  • Colors

    Johann Heinrich Schulze discovered that different liquids change color when exposed to light.
  • War

    While the Industrial Revolution was going on Alexander Wolcott issued the first american patent in photography for his camera.
  • Pictures

    Thomas Wedgewood caputred images, but they couldn't last because there was no method of making the image permanent.
  • First Picture

    First Picture
    Niepce created the first sucessful picture by using that hardened on exposure to light.
  • Artists

    Artists were making pieces that idolized Greco-Roman grace and ganduer. At this time Niepce was able to create the and obscura image of the view outside his window.
  • At First

    At First
    Sir John Herschel used the name "Photography". That's the year the photographic process became public.
  • Development of pictures

    Development of pictures
    Louis Daguerre discaovered a way of making plates which reduced the exposure time from 8 hours to a half hour.
  • Multiple Prints

    Multiple Prints
    Henry Fox Talbot invented the first the first negative from which multiple positive prints can be made.
  • Romanticism

    Fredrick Scott Archer produced a glass negative that could produce an unlimited number of prints from paper. This stage in Art history was called the Romanticism because individualality and imagination were liked.
  • Realism

    Realism was playing a big part in history. Which means that artists weremaking work about the working class people and peaseants. aT this time the very first hand held camera was neing invented.
  • Film

    George Eastman invented a film that was flexible, unbreakable, and could be rolled.
  • Cameras

    The European Democratic Revolutions were going on the same time that the first mass-produced camera was created called the Brownie.
  • World War One

    World War One
    Around the same time that the first World War was happening the first first light meter with photoelectric cells was made.
  • Present Day

    Present Day
    During World War two photographers started using color, and were shooting pictures that were based off the Great Depression and how people were during that time.