Move to Poland
My family moved to Poland. -
Move back to Canada
My family moved back to Canada. -
Brother Patryks Birth
Moved into house
We moved from our appartment to our house. -
Brother Eryks Birth
Start Kindergarten
First day of school - St. Avila -
Trip to Poland with my mom
I went to Poland with my mom in grade 2 for 2 weeks. -
Forced to start playing piano
First time camping
First time I went camping to Hecla -
Start Junior High
First day of Junior High- Viscount Alexander -
Trip to Vancouver
Me and my family went on a trip to Vancouver, it was the best family trip I have ever been on. -
Got my puppy- Misiu
We got my yorkie from a breader in Headingly. -
I had surgery on my throat. -
Trip to Poland
I traveled to Poland by myself for a month -
Got my first snowboard