1755 Lisbon Portugal
~ M 9
Lisbon, Portugal (Atlantic)
~ 20,000 people killed -
1883 Krakatoa
Located in the Sundra Strait between Java and Sumatra
Top of earthquake fall into ocean which created a 35 m high tsunami
~ 36,000 people -
1946 Hawaii
M 8.1
Killed 160 people
Located around Hawaiin Islands -
1960 Chile
On the eastern side of Hawaii
~ M 9.5
~ 61 people killed -
1964 Alaska
On the coast of California and Alaska
~ M 9.5
~ 130 people -
Sea of Japan Tsunami
Okshuri Island, Japan
M 7.8
Killed 120 people -
1998 New Guinea
Papua, New Guinea
M 7.1 earthquake, then landslife, then tsunami
Killed 2,100 people -
Sumatra Tsunami
M 9.1
Killed 230,000 people -
Samoa Tsunami
M 8.1
Killec 200 people -
Chile Tsunami
Located on the coast of Chile
M 8.8
Killed 700 people -
2011 Japan Tsunami
Located offshore of Fukishima
M 9.0
16,000 deaths, 200,00 forced to evacuate