The Battle of Missouri
The Union and the South were fighting against each other for the state Missouri. The Union soon won the battle by a hair. -
Battle of Bull Run
The Union troops where defeated on their way to Viriginia. -
The Battle of Pea Ridge
It was fought in the NW Arkansas. The Union had a victory and Pea Ridge secured Missouri for the Union. -
The Battle of Seven Days
The Union had joined a line at Mechanicsville the Confederate then broke the line the very next day. The Union finally had enough and withdrew. -
The Battle of Chattanooga
The leader of the Union side was Grant. He took immediate to launch his attack on the Confederate line. The next day the Confederate captured Look Out Mountain. The next day the Union under General Thomas broke the center of the Confederate lines and sent the Confederates in retreat. -
The Battle of Stone's River
The Union Forces which was commanded by General Rosencrans faced off against the Confederate forces which they were led by General Bragg. The Confederates crossed the Unions line first and succed the task they were trying to do which was pushing back the Unions flanks. The center of the Union held. The Confederate kept attacking but fell every time. Bragg expected Rosencrans to quit but he didnt when it then came clear that Rosencrans was getting reinforcement from Nashville Bragg soon quit. -
The Battle of Wilderness
General banks (the leader of the Union) he was attacked by the Confederates. At Sabine Crossroads the Union were forced to retreat. The next day Taylor(also for the Union)decided to attack again and the Confederate repulsed. Banks then decided to withdraw. -
The Battle of Petersburg
The Union forces surronded Petersburg and they were well supplied. The Cofederates started to run out of food. The Union soon attacked Confederates line. They were then forced to withdraw. -
The Battle of Fort Stedman
The Unioin Army fortification in the siege lines around Petersburg Virginia was attacked in a pre-dawn Confederate assault by troops led by General John B. Gordon. The attack was the last serious attempt by the Confederate troops. -
The Battle of Surrender
In Petersburg the line had broken Richmond would soon have to be evacuated. Then on April 7th Lee's army surrendered because they were half starved