Teamaguchi Electric Car Timeline

  • Invention of Electric Car

    Invention of Electric Car
    Technology: non-rechargableMarket: nascentCompetition: none
  • First practical electric car

    First practical electric car
    Technology: non-rechargableMarket: NascentCompetition: none
  • Lead-acid Battery Technology

    Lead-acid Battery Technology
    Technology: better battery
    Competition: none Gaston Planté improves model with rechargeable storage battery.
  • First Successful Electric Car

    First Successful Electric Car
    William Morrison builds the first successful electric automobile in the United States.
  • introduction to Market

    Competitors: General Electric Company, Hartford Electric Technology: exchangeable battery system
  • First Electric Taxis

  • Major Manufacturing

    Institutional: "The Pope Manufacturing Company becomes the first large-scale American electric automobile manufacturer." (
  • Thomas Edison makes it his mission to create a long-lasting battery

    Thomas Edison makes it his mission to create a longer lasting battery for commercial automobiles. This gives insight to the market at the time. Namely, that people believed this was the future of the automobile market.
  • Peak of Electric Car

    28% of cars produced are electric.
  • Dissruptive Model T

    Dissruptive Model T
    Disruptive Technology: Henry Ford introduces the Model T and the assembly line method of making cars, and steals the market
  • Henney Kilowatt

    Henney Kilowatt
  • Oil Embargo

    Oil Embargo
    The oil embargo creates sudden and drastic oil shortages. Car companies adapt by building smaller cars and begin to look back on electric car.
  • Vanguard-Sebring's CitiCar

    Vanguard-Sebring's CitiCar
    top speed 30mpg-40mpg
  • EV1

    G.M. builds the EV1.
  • Hybrid Technology

    Hybrid Technology
    Toyota introduces the Prius, using a hybrid technology combining electric with gas powered engines. 18,000 sold in the first year.
  • Tipping Point

    Tipping Point
    All major car manufacturers now have at least one model of electric car or hybrid car. The market seems to be moving in this direction due to the price of oil, improvement of technology, and market sentiments.

    Technology: 80 miles per battery, requires special plug-in Market: hesitant to adopt but first adapters are already established
    Competition: Everybody is in the game.
    Institutional: winds of change coming due to dwindling natural resources.