Jan 1, 1210
latest Fossils found
54 Million years ago in north America and the most recent fossils found are 50 million years ago in Europe -
Jan 27, 1215
First horse found
Eohippus" dawn horse". This is the size of a fox. it has four toes, a short tail, and only 2 toes on hind feet. (earliest modern horse) -
Jan 27, 1220
Second horse found
TheMESOHIPPUS appeared. it had three toes that transformed into little hooves. This is becasue of the climate change and more grasslands -
Jan 27, 1225
third horse found
MERYCHIPPUS-20 million years ago- adapted to grazing grass--> modern day horse. It is 35 inches taller, lived in heards. it had two outer toes and middle toes hardened into a hoof. 1st hooved horse!! -
Jan 27, 1230
fourth horse found
PILOHIPPUS-15 million years ago. closest ancestor of the modern day horse. cloven hooves, callused stubs -
Jan 27, 1235
10,000 years ago. prehistoric horses are gone. climate change. Asia held the only horses left with few zebras. no horses in N.A -
Jan 27, 1240
Asian nomads brought them back
5,000 years ago, asian nomads bring the horses to the united states and domesticatize them.