laurens timeline

  • i was born

    i was born
    i was born at 8:14 am at pcmh.
  • my 1st birthday

    my 1st birthday
    i turned 1
  • i started dancing

    i started dancing
    my mom signed me up for dance
  • atlanta braves baseball game

    atlanta braves baseball game
    my parents took me to my first baseball game
  • i won princess of pitt county pagent.

    i won princess of pitt county pagent.
    i won the pagent
  • i started tee ball

    i started tee ball
    my dad signed me up for tee ball
  • my brother was born

    my brother was born
    my mom had my baby brother.
  • my first day of school

    my first day of school
    My first day of school, i went to ayden elementary.
  • softball

    i started playin softball at sarah law
  • i went to tennessee

    i went to tennessee
    my family took a vacation to tennessee.
  • won the science fair

    won the science fair
    i won 1st place in the science fair in my school and went to ecu to compete.
  • i started middle school

    i started middle school
    my first day at the middle school
  • i broke my arm

    i broke my arm
    i broke my arm playing dodge ball in p.e
  • i moved.

    i moved to south carolina, in the same year i moved back.
  • sprained my ankle

    sprained my ankle
    i sprained my ankle playing basketball.
  • my sister was born

    my sister was born
    my mom had my baby sister
  • high school

    i started high school
  • jennie finch

    jennie finch
    i went to a jennie finch pitching camp with my cousin
  • hyper extended my knee

    i hyper extended my knee playing softball
  • new york

    i went to new york with my bestfriend
  • wisdom teeth

    i had my wisdom teeth cut out