World War 2 timeline

By alic
  • End of World War 1

    End of World War 1
    The European nationalism spawned by the war and the breakup of empires, and the repercussions of Germany's defeat and the Treaty of Versailles led to the beginning of World War II in 1939.
  • Hitler joins the Nazi party

    Hitler joins the Nazi party
    A decorated veteran of World War I, Hitler joined the precursor of the Nazi Party (DAP) in 1919, and became leader of NSDAP in 1921.
  • Italy enters the war on the side of Germany and invades France.

    Italy enters the war on the side of Germany and invades France.
    , Italy invaded France, declaring war on both France and the United Kingdom; twelve days later France surrendered and was soon divided into German
  • Fascist Party established under Mussolini in Italy.

    Fascist Party established under Mussolini in Italy.
    was an Italian politician who led the National Fascist Party and is credited with being one of the key figures in the creation of Fascism.
  • Establishment of the USSR

    Establishment of the USSR
    short known as the Soviet Union (Russian: Советский Союз, tr. Sovietsky Soyuz) or Soviet Russia, was a constitutionally socialist state that existed on the territory of most of the former Russian Empire in Eurasia between 1922 and 1991.[1] A more informal and simplified version usually used among its residents was the Union (Soyuz).
  • Mussolini takes over in Italy.

    Mussolini takes over in Italy.
    Mussolini became the 40th Prime Minister of Italy in 1922 and began using the title Il Duce by 1925. After 1936, his official title was "His Excellency Benito Mussolini, Head of Government, Duce of Fascism, and Founder of the Empire".[2
  • Death of Vladimir Lenin; control of USSR to Joseph Stalin; deaths of 8-13 million Russians.

    Death of Vladimir Lenin; control of USSR to Joseph Stalin; deaths of 8-13 million Russians.
    was a Russian Marxist revolutionary and communist politician who led the October Revolution of 1917. As leader of the Bolsheviks, he headed the Soviet state during its initial years (1917–1924), as it fought to establish control of Russia in the Russian Civil War and worked to create a socialist economic system.
  • US and 61 other countries sign Kellog - Briand Pact.

    US and 61 other countries sign Kellog - Briand Pact.
    The Kellogg–Briand Pact (also called the Pact of Paris, formal name: General Treaty for the Renunciation of War) was signed on August 27, 1928 by the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Japan, and a number of other countries. The pact renounced aggressive war, prohibiting the use of war as "an instrument of national policy" except in matters of self-defense.[1] It made no provisions for sanctions. The pact was the result of a determined American effort to avoid involvement
  • Japanese invasion of Manchuria.

    Japanese invasion of Manchuria.
    In 1931, the Japanese Kwangtung Army attacked Chinese troops in Manchuria in an event commonly known as the Manchurian Incident. Essentially, this was an attempt by the Japanese Empire to gain control over the whole province, in order to eventually encompass all of East Asia. This proved to be one of the causes of World War IIs(1).
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany, establishing the Third Reich.

    Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany, establishing the Third Reich.
    Hitler from a window of the Chancellory receiving an ovation at his inauguration as Chancellor, 30 January 1933
  • Roosevelt takes office

    Roosevelt takes office
    the 32nd President of the United States and a central figure in world events during the mid-20th century, leading the United States during a time of worldwide economic crisis and world war. The only American president elected to more than two terms, he forged a durable coalition that realigned American politics for decades.
  • US begins passing neutrality Acts.

    US begins passing neutrality Acts.
    The Neutrality Acts were laws that were passed by the United States Congress in the 1930s, in response to the growing turmoil in Europe and Asia that eventually led to World War II. They were spurred by the growth in isolationism and non-interventionism in the US following its costly involvement in World War I, and sought to ensure that the US would not become entangled again in foreign conflicts.
  • Civil War begins in Spain under Francisco Franco

    Civil War begins in Spain under Francisco Franco
  • German troops invade Rhineland.

    German troops invade Rhineland.
    Nazi leader Adolf Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles and the Locarno Pact by sending German military forces into the Rhineland, a demilitarized zone along the Rhine River in western Germany
  • Italian troops conquer Ethiopia.

    Italian troops conquer Ethiopia.
    Italy conquers Ethiopia through overwhelming military force, revealing the ineffectiveness of the League of Nations and encouraging Mussolini’s exaggerated estimate of his nation’s military power.
  • Hitler begins military buildup

    Hitler begins military buildup
  • Japan invades China.

    Japan invades China.
  • Czechoslovakia falls to Hitler.

    Czechoslovakia falls to Hitler.
    German occupation of Czechoslovakia (1938–1945) began with the Nazi annexation of Czechoslovakia's northern and western border regions, known collectively as the Sudetenland, under terms outlined by the Munich Agreement. Nazi leader Adolf Hitler's pretext for this effort was the alleged privations suffered by ethnic German populations living in those regions.
  • Hitler announces secret plans for lebensraum.

    Hitler announces secret plans for lebensraum.
  • Hitler announces secret plans for lebensraum.

    Hitler announces secret plans for lebensraum.
  • Hitler takes Austria.

    Hitler takes Austria.
  • Munich Agreement; Sudentenland to Germany.

    Munich Agreement; Sudentenland to Germany.
  • Non-agression ; Germany and Russia; divide Poland.

    Non-agression ; Germany and Russia; divide Poland.
  • Franco is successful in Spain

    Franco is successful in Spain
  • Totalitarian government established in USSR.

    Totalitarian government established in USSR.
    Totalitarianism (or totalitarian rule) is a political system where the state, usually under the control of a single political person, faction, or class, recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible.
  • Russian army into Finland (Finns surrender in three months)

    Russian army into Finland (Finns surrender in three months)
    On November 30, the Red Army attacks Finland with 26 divisions; the Finns muster only 9 divisions. The Soviets enjoy a huge advantage in what Stalin calls “machines” - tanks, artillery, and aircraft. But three factors hamper the Soviets: their own lack of training, their failure to prepare for winter fighting, and the fighting ability and indomitable spirit of the Finns.
  • German invasion of Poland; blitzkrieg

    German invasion of Poland; blitzkrieg
  • British and French defeat at Dunkirk

    British and French defeat at Dunkirk
  • German invasion of Denmark and Norway.

    German invasion of Denmark and Norway.
    The German invasion of Norway was a dramatically daring military operation. The decision to embark on the venture was made by Adolf Hitler as Chief of State and also (since December 1938) as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the German Reich. He arrived at it over a period of six months during which the proposal was debated at length in the highest echelons of the German Armed Forces. Hitler's own attitude shifted during that time from lukewarmness verging on indifference to determinatio
  • Defeat of the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg by Germany.

    Defeat of the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg by Germany.
  • Plans for an invasion of great Britain; beginning of the Battlle of Britain.

    Plans for an invasion of great Britain; beginning of the Battlle of Britain.
  • France surrenders to Germany

    France surrenders to Germany