Shemot timetable

  • Yitzchak is born

  • Period: to


  • Period: to


  • Yaakov is born

  • Yosef is born

  • Yaakov and his sons go down to Egypt

    Yaakov and his sons go down to Egypt
  • Yaakov dies

  • Yosef dies

  • Levi dies and enslavement begins

  • Moshe is born

  • Moshe gets mission (burning bush)

  • Leave Egypt

    Leave Egypt
    Passover will be celibrated on this day. The hebrew date is the 15th of nissan in the 400th year of there enslavement
  • Leave Egypt-Passover

  • Recieving the Torah- Shevuot

  • Chet Ha-Eygel- Breaking of the Luchot I

    On this day BN"Y did their first major sin as a nation. When Moshe saw them worshiping this golden calf he threw the first set of luchot to the ground distroying them. There is a midrash that says Hashem made the Luchot feel lighter so moshe could carry them and as soon as he saw them doind this sin it became to heavy for Moshe to carry
  • Moshe asks for forgiveness

  • Luchot II

    Luchot II
    they recieved the secound set of luchot on this day and recieved the commandments regarding the mishkan
  • Chanukat Ha-Moshkan